Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Former Members Celebrated

The new month has begun, and with it, the recognition that some cherished former members have departed the team. Each has chosen to support a different cause this month, and each is engaged with great teams to support those worthy causes.

Sondra01 - Doctors Without Borders
Remy0514 - Doctors Without Borders
Classroom12 - St. Judes Childrens Research Hospital

Each at leaving, was in the Tigers' top 16. However, their contributions to the team were far more than the total coins each contributed. They were cheerleaders for the team, leaders for the team. and pranksters for the team. Further, they DID contribute massively to the coin totals for the team, so -

Thank you!

And, good luck with your new teams - it is too bad they cannot both win, since they compete directly against each other, but at least we Tigers don't have to face either of them right now.

Others may have also left, with whom I was not so familiar, but who will nonetheless be missed. To those not named, the best of luck as well, and show those new teams what a TIGER sounds like when the competing begins!

**** Update 20081203 09:50

The final shoe has fallen. I had been waiting to see if there had been a change-of-mind, but binkie523 has now moved over to Wounded Warriors. Thanks, binkie, for all the coins and support you have provided, and good luck with the team we plan to whip this month.

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